Well... that isn't going to work.

Mike Deem · June 11, 2014

So… the art car license wasn’t granted. The idea came across as simply having the “seats removed and furniture and decorations added.” Fair I suppose….

Of course additional mutation would be possible… but I didn’t get anything decent worked out before the appeal deadline. So this is something that will have to wait for another year.

Not sure if the family plan will work out anyway… just need to be patient for a few more years I think. Then the kids would be more able to participate. I’ve got a feeling they aren’t really ready to get the most out of the whole thing.

So, now I need to come up with an alternative plan for this year’s burn. I think I’ll take the dragon bike again… not sure what other art project I may try to get together. Or maybe I’ll just join up with a theme camp and dedicate my time to that this time around.

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