Got my first godling statue ready for it’s skin. After some false starts and a couple of mistakes… it really didn’t take that long. Maybe four days work total to build the base, weld the skeleton, and build out the body.
I ended up with a 4’ diameter 1/2” plywood base. A full 8’ of 4”x4” cut at 45 dergree angles and sanded down to make the skids.
Welding the skeleton was… well, I abandoned my first attempt but the second one worked out. By the time I was done my welds were looking much better.
Next came crumpled paper held in place by lots of masking tape. Short lengths of PVC tubing extend the rebar arms and protect from contact with the sharp ends. LED rope light is wrapped and then covered with the smooth layer of paper that will act as the base for the decoupage skin.
So, now to print and cut out images enough images to cover the thing. And a thanks to those who have done some printing and cutting for me! And if anyone else is willing to do more of that… just let me know.