Irie Beholder

This was my first decent Second Life creation:

Irie Beholder Ad

The monster is an “attachment” for an avatar that poses the avatar hanging out of it’s mouth.

I finished the beholder just as Burning Life 2006 was starting, so I toured the event wearing it:

Since then, I’ve sold a bunch of them. It has become a popular Halloween costume. You can buy your own copy of the beholder in world or at SLExchange.


I’ve been exploring and creating in Second Life since early 2006. I’ve decided to post some of my discoveries and observations here.

In real life I’m a software engineer. I’ve been building distributed systems since before there was a World Wide Web, and pretty much as long as there has been an Internet (but ARPANET predates me by a bit).

Virtual Words interest me from a technical perspective. However, it is the emergent social and artistic aspects of Second Life that make it a very special thing.

The moment I first logged on and started shaping Eye Ree, my avatar, Second Life became a tool for my personal artistic expression. It is a medium as pliable as software, while aspiring to be as tangible as the physical.