Heading to Burning Man 2012

Mike Deem · June 29, 2012

I’m going! Again! I wanted to get involved in some way and found a match for my skills with the BRC Emergency Services Department. I’ll be working on some of the paging system software and helping to keep things running during the event.

When I went before, in 2010, I camped with the Space Virgins. This year I wanted to do my own thing. I bought an used popup tent trailer and will be pulling it down behind my truck. There should be plenty of room. Hopefully I can find some last minute camp mates.


My big art project is kind of on hold (more on that in another post), but I’ve been working on some costumes. In addition to the hat, I’ve got a rainbow fur coat coming that I’m planning to light up, as well as something involving a black morph suit, lots of black tulle, a chrome “no face” mask, and even more el-wire.

Hmm… I need to redo the eyes using green. I ran out after doing the ear/wing things… but it would help to break up all the (otherwise glorious) purple.

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